I have recently gone through Michelle Obama's Becoming.The philosophy of the book is so engrossing.Journey of life of a person begins from a starting point. Then his/her family ,neighborhood,environment and education guide and lead him/her towards his/her growing which can be better termed as that person's becoming.That person then reaches a point.But his / her real growing or becoming is not over.Becoming or growing is a life-long process.Michelle Obama herself has said that she is an ordinary person who found herself on an extraordinary journey.This journey has been made possible by her sharp intellect,talent,perseverance, tolerance , determination , resilience,firmness and strength as well as coolness of mind and above all a deep sense of duty, respect and empathy to others.Her journey of life has also been made possible by her capability to adapt herself to every situation of life.Born in a very ordinary family, floating in different currents of life, she anchored herself for eight years as First Lady in White House ,one of the most powerful seats of the world.After eight years, Barack Obama's presidentship being over ,she and her family settled themselves in a new house, about two miles away from their old house. She then reminisces .One evening she was all alone in her new house.She felt hungry.She made cheese and toast and went to the backyard. A dog started to bark somewhere in the distance and her own dogs paused to listen seemingly confused.Michelle felt their confusion . They were not habituated to other dogs'barking as there was no neighborhood in the white house. A few months ago secret service agents were on their toes for 24 hours just out side their bedrooms armed with modernized weapons.Now she is all alone except for a group of guards sitting inside the garage.Now she would go to her bedroom and enjoy the spring air coming through the open window.How glorious that would be! This is what is called life.Life changes its course so often like a river and human beings have to adapt themselves constantly to that new course of life.
Becoming is not only a story of success.It is a story of going beyond the adversities of life by facing obstacles of life boldly , strongly , humanely , resiliently.In this context we are reminded of the story of Michelle's father Fraser Robinson.In spite of his severe attack of multiple Scelerosis he never bowed down to it.When asked by Michelle how he was feeling, his answer was obviously thesame. . I feel good.He always despised self pity.Michelle got comfort from his voice.It was sustaining , like oxygen to her .Her mother Marian Robinson also is an extraordinary woman.she was all support to her. So was her elder brother Craig.He was so protective to her all the time.In this way Becoming is also a story of relationship in different layers-relationship with parents, sibling ,grandparents ,extended family ,friends,colleagues,WhiteHouse employees and above all with her two daughters and husband Barack Obama.In every line with pounds and pounds of love, care ,warmth and respect Michelle has unfolded this extraordinary story of relationship. It touches us to the core of our hearts. It fills our eyes with tears of joy and sorrow. It lifts us from the humdrum of daily life, from the meanness of life.Really the book has a fairy-tale like quality.
At the end of the book Michelle Obama has said she has tried to open the door to others.We should make ourselves known and heard to others and we should also have the grace in being willing to know and hear others.And this for Michelle is how we become.Truly this is called Becoming.
My deepest respect to Michelle Obama.