Dear Ellen
I am writing this in the hopes it reaches you I know this is going to be very difficult because of all the people that Watch you and the impossible task it must be to be able to read all of the emails that you receive. My husband and I have been married for 35 years in February of next year and a hoping to be able to get through to that date to have a wedding we have never had a proper wedding but that feeds into the background when we have our daily needs to take care of.
Both myself and my husband work with physically and. mentally and challenged peopleAnd this can prove to be both taxing and tiring nonetheless we have both been doing this for 30 years and find the job is as rewarding as it was on the first dayWe also have a special-needs lady that lives with us in our home so wherever we are, we are on call at work and happy to be doing so
we are both animal lovers and have had animals in our homes and in our lives Ever since we met. All of our pets have been rescue pets and we now have two aging dogs who had difficulty getting in and out of the vehicle that we have all vehicles are 2014 and 2008 and are rapidly getting old as we all are too.Unfortunately all vehicles are not big enough to go accommodate our dogs. now as they are getting old and having difficulty getting in and out of it which makes walks very difficult. My husband takes them out but we can only walk in the neighborhood as we have so much difficulty giving them in and out of all vehicles. I am a proud person Ellen and hate to ask but we need this ramp for our dogs to be able to get into a vehicle and go for a walk on the grass and then the sunshine
If there was someway you could help us possibly a ramp to help the dogs get a put into the back of the car it would be an enormous help
I have seen these products available but unfortunately I cannot afford one at this time The Covid virus has taken away all of our free time and has Us working double shifts and massage and each other’s sore faces and forehead from wearing masks for up to 18 hours at a time each day. I have also recently been diagnosed with bipolar disorder triggered by the daily events of the world we are living in. my wonderful husband has never complained about picking up the slack taking care of anything I need whether it be grocery shopping vacuuming cleaning the house taking care of the lady that lives with us he does it all without a complaint I love him so much and we both love you Alan and we spread your words whatever we can
“ be kind to one Another”
There is nothing more therapeutic than sitting around the coffee table giggling at your show and the silly things that people do it’s the best therapy I can think of
Joy And happiness coming your way