The show I just watched makes me sick. The plaintiffs dog, a Belgian Malinois, was attacked in its own kennel by the defendants dog, a pit bull, and these 3 "judges" made the plaintiff feel guilty for calling the authorities to have a record of the attack. The defendants pit was put down because it was deemed vicious. The defendants couldn't afford the insurance to keep a vicious dog. It had tried to attack other pets and the defendants didnt know if it had killed before. Judge Acker kept on attacking the plaintiffs, there is no excuse for this so called Judge. She even belittled them for winning the case. Unbelievable. If this dogs next victim had been a child, what then. Would she still be attacking the defendants? Its time the women need to retire. Judge Demango doesn't listen to anyone's testimony, because she is too busy trying to make jokes. She completely runs over Judge Corriero, she doesn't even look at him when they are deliberating. She will glance at him and then turn her eyes down. She is a bully in every sense of the word. Judge Acker and Judge Demango allow their personal feelings to determine who wins. They decide before any testimony who they like and who they dont like. I watch this show because nothing else is on, and normally I enjoy court room shows, but this show is the pits.