Like most if not all movies of this sort, many will not be able to invest themselves into it and all the more is the pity. Robbie and Pegg can make all kinds of adrenaline movies that are basic plot types, bad guys kill a few good guys, steal something good guys want and good guys kill bad guys for revenge, profit and that thing the bad guys stole which as an aside is dangerous for the public good which begs the question why did the good guys invent it to begin with ... but I digress, a tired cliche plot with zero twists outside how cute the good guys are will do well but a movie that you actually have to watch to get is way too much work for the mass of people these days or any daze to adapt to and this is the problem with movies at any time.
In this instance the mantra the good die young always seems to hold.
It was a very good movie and Robbie and Pegg were actually offered roles in which they had to expand their abilities.