As a long time Star Trek fan, I am disappointed with this show. I feel it fails to represent what Star Trek stands for and is a part of the plague of 'reboots' going on. It seems everything these days has to be gritty, dark, full of foreboding and characters who are despondent and desolate. Picard is still Picard, but the universe and other characters that surround him have changed so much as to be unrecognisable. Patrick Stewart is an excellent actor and delivers his part with the usual expertise, but even that can't save this show from being offensive to anyone who spent years watching all of the old Star Trek series. I really wish there was someone out there who would honour Gene Roddenberry's vision before putting pen to paper. You can still modernise the show. But why do you have to ignore everything that has come before to do it? Star Trek is supposed to be an optimistic view of the future, it's supposed to make us feel that humanity can emerge from, greed, war, poverty and inequality. That we can become a force for good. This show is quite the opposite. In this show the future is just as bad (and sometimes worse) than the present. it's this fundamental change in the show's message that is hard to swallow. This isn't Star Trek, it's just Sci-Fi that is being called Star Trek.