This movie is like many little stories to tie up the loose ends of the main 3 characters iron man, captain and thor. The story sorts of jumps everywhere. Thanos died too early too easily and then theres this multiple stories about each character can't accept the loss of 50%, and then they go back to the multiple pasts to correct everything and then there's little stories about Iron man and thor cleaning up their emotions in the past sort of to complete the learning and empirical growth of these characters. Then theres this thanos from the past trying to take the stones again. The ending about captain america is expected once they can go back in time, to heal a man out of his time line. The hero characters that died were unexpected but were not too touching. Unexpected because we have a new black widow movie coming soon. Say if captain died sacrificing himself in thanos hands would have been more touching... I think we were all mostly expecting a mega story of multiple big fight attempts with thanos, but the writers saved the mega battle to the end.