I am sorry that some of you did not like this movie but it was a great film. Maybe its because they dont understand a few of the statements that the movie made,( like the slit statement or the nothing exist until we observe what exists) but the statements have very much been proven true even in my observed life. Usually it's the closed off minds and minds that dont use imagination that cant see it. The movie had absolutely wonderful digital affects and an absolute great storyline. The if one thing ends it has to continue on a different path was wonderful also. And to the guy saying the movie plays in reverse, I'm sorry you thought that but it didn't. You see the whole movie played out like it should till the guys death but after that the other possibility had to play out then so the ending was only where he had to play out the other possibility. But to understand that is to know about the fact of where every thought and decision and even feeling that we have controls a whole separate world of possibilities and actions that unfold in our life. Then to understand that there is a whole field of either where our minds can connect to and draw ideas and new possibilities from is a whole new discussion. I give this movie a 10 out of 10. It was absolutely great and very moving with a very sturdy storyline and actors. The digital effects where spot on and the ending was wonderful. I would recommend to only those who still understand what an imagination is and what it is used for watch it and those who have an open mind even though it's only the ones who use their imagination that have an open mind. But the movie was great even if non of the topics I talked about ring true or have meaning. So watch it and enjoy.