This is terrible. So many horrible bits to discuss. It actually hurt my head to watch it. Not sure how to list all the horrible elements. The overused "open fridge door, close fridge door and killer is there", the wack attempted humour one liners after a killing, the token characters, the constant movie plot explanations, the scenes where everyone in the room takes a turn at adding information, the repeated "maybe you're the killer" quotes, the pathetic references to the original, the rubbish references to the faux horror series shown within the movie, Courtney's top was scared it was going to crumble, the contrived "girl power" scenes at the end....maybe worst quote of all was the "enjoy that torch". The movie is so bonkers it's ridiculous. This is easily in my worst 5 movies of all time. 1 star given only because can't give 0 or 0.5. Stay away from this movie.