'The Dark Knight' is undeniably one of the best movies ever created. There is not a moment in watching this film that you will ever be bored. It hooks you from the beginning, and never disappoints in the end.
The casting of this film is one of the most spot-on and perfect fittings in cinematic history. Christian Bale as Batman, Aaron Eckhart as Two-Face/Harvey Dent, and evidently, Heath Ledger as the Joker.
Ledger's Joker is unmistakably one of the most amazing and breathtaking performances in history. I don't think there could be anyone that can portray the Joker as well as he did. He took a dark, psychopathic and sadistic character and brought him to life- in the most hair-raising way.
Eckhart's Dent transitioned from what Gotham saw as the classic hero, to the ideal villain. I loved what they did to his character, and they gave him phenomenal scenes and lines.
I think Bale depicted Batman flawlessly. He somehow made the audience relate to Bruce, even if his character isn't meant to be that relatable. He showed Batman's frustration, happiness, and grief, so well, you'd feel like you're right there, watching him go through everything.
All other characters, even if not main ones, have still made memorable impressions.
Christopher Nolan is a genius. The direction he took this film is incredibly canny- you can tell how dedicated he was. Every detail he added to TDK is necessary. There are no unneeded lines, plot details, characters- anything. He truly made the perfect superhero/supervillain sequel.
I can recommend this to anyone that loves Batman, superhero films, or is just looking to watch an incredible movie.