Racist towards white people. I'm all for jokes, but this is to far. I woulda gave 0 stars, but that wasn't an option.
I liked blackish, but this is waay to much racism.
Imagine if they had a white show like this? It would be deemed racist, offensive and taken off the air. Especially when he said "I hate white people.", in the first episode, AFTER racially sterotyping the white man for trying to make a compliment about his car and taking it totally left, it was just one racist thing after another. The white assistant, the white couple at dinner, etc.
If they made a white show like this, there would probably be lawsuits and so much backlash and critisim. They'd form mobs and protest.
My husband agreed, and even he said it was to much and took it to far. This is coming from a mixed relationship, with mixed children.
Horrible show. Stop trying to be Tyler Perry #TheKingPerry.