This game is one of the best 2k games I’ve played in a while. That being said, the MyCareer games are some of the worst gaming experiences I’ve ever had. Your teammates are mindless dimwits that have some of the worst programming possible. You can be playing perfect defense on an opponent, and then a a teammate from the complete opposite side of the court will suddenly start sprinting towards the player you are guarding, leaving his defensive assignment open, and the arrow showing you who you are guarding will switch to his assignment, who is wide open on the other side of the court. Another infuriating instance of bad AI programming is the defensive “aDjUsTmEnTs” that opponents make during games, where if your MyPlayer scores like 9 or 10 points, the player guarding you will suddenly switch from playing 5 feet off of your player to a god-like perfect defensive being that is unable to be scored on. Other things in this game, like the Neighborhood and MyTeam, have their own flaws but are fun, but the MyCareer experience is a game mode that seems as though it was made to drain all the joy out of your gaming experience. The sad thing is that for people who don’t want to spend $50 to upgrade a single character, MyCareer games are almost necessary to improve your character.