If I could give this half a star or even better yet 0 stars I would. This woke, snowflake, piece of garbage rip-off of Mary Shelly's Frankenstein is unoriginal and just insulting. Some talentless hack writer wrote in their review, "A righteous reinterpretation of the mad scientist." No sorry, this is just a rip-off of an already original amazing masterpiece of literature and doesn't need "woke", "SJW" "reinterpreting". If you wrote this in college as an essay or a thesis for an assignment, you'd get an F and expelled for plagiarism because that's precisely what this is. Taking someone else's work, slapping a different color on it and calling it your own is plagiarism. Skip this movie and watch any version of Mary Shelly's Frankenstein, even the worst versions are millions and millions times better than this steaming pile of garbage. Or better yet, go get the book and read it! In the synopsis about this movie, they say the "Angry Black Girl" is a "brilliant teenager". Yeah, she's so brilliant that it then goes on to say "who believes death is a disease that can be cured". Bahahahahaha ROTFLMFAO That's the funniest and DUMBEST thing I've ever heard in my life....well.....by far the dumbest....it's pretty funny but I've heard funnier, anywho yeah she's so "brilliant" she thinks "death" is a "disease". How moronic and stupid. I'm done with this trash.