To whomsoever may be reading this, please know that I think it is imperative for anyone with the extreme good fortune of being able to witness to millions of people (via cable or television or whatever the medium might be) needs to be certain of what he or she says. Mr. Feldick, when driving the point home regarding Jesus' birth and His being completely without sin, made the statement that Jesus in the womb did not carry the blood of Mary, but carried the blood of God the Father. Mr. Feldick should have stopped there, but went on to elaborate that all fetuses carry the blood of their respective fathers, not the mothers that bear them. That's when I stopped watching Mr. Feldick's show. The fetus does not carry only the blood of the father. Research indicates the fetus carries portions of the blood of his mother while in the womb and then, once born, could have either father's or mother's blood, or a combination thereof.
He presents himself as a "good ol' boy" and I believed he really was teaching the Bible in a plain and simple fashion. Now I wonder what other "facts" I swallowed in the two years I've been watching his show. He makes sure to let his audience know he is "...just a rancher..." and that he is not teaching anything that is not in the Word of God. Uh-oh, Mr. Feldick; I think you just crossed the line.
I believe the show I watched was sometime during the week of 12/10/18, but may have been the week of 12/17. Hopefully, someone in Mr. Feldick's family will do some reviewing of the shows from those weeks in order to take a look at what I saw.
I know now why people don't care for television evangelists (even though Mr. Feldick will not admit that is the group with which he is associated). I can understand how good if feels to listen to a lot of the bible-based preachers on TV, but they all seem to interject their "spin" on what is in the Word. No better proof is needed to explain why there are so many different religions out there.
It was great to be able to watch bible teachings every morning as I did my treadmill workout . . . "Through the Bible" was the last one I thought was "real."
Guess I'll go back to watching the news . . .