It is poorly written. I kept trying to understand what felt wrong with the show. It was poorly executed and badly written. There are many plot holes. Most importantly the main character is incredibly aggravating. A police woman who is unstable & a threat to everyone around her because her favorite thing to do in her fugue states is assault people. You’re going to be left thinking “huh?” throughout season 1&2. Like how she kept releasing info about suspects to the press & there was NO consequence. Or when she knocked her boss out who had just prevented her from committing suicide by whacking him over the head with the ceramic cover of the toilet. Like when she shaved her head in what seemed like a psychotic break & cut herself with the scissors only for a detective to try to recruit her 9 days later. HUH? That was me throughout most of the show. Also her ex-husband’s unnecessary hot & cold attitude towards her was weird because it was without reason. Lots of things didn’t make sense. It was overly dramatic.