This excellent gothic chiller originally aired back in the late 60s when I was still an infant. I never watched any of these shows until the year 2019. Now, over FIFTY YEARS after it's debut, I am absolutely hooked. It airs in my hometown on the DECADES channel every weeknight at midnight and I can't go to sleep until after I watch it. The late, great gay actor JONATHAN FRID is outstanding as Barnabas Collins, a 200 year old vampire recently escaped from his tomb who unleashes a world of hurt on his birthplace and descendants in the village of Collinsport, Maine. ALL of the actors/actresses on this show give great performances, and there are many different and entertaining characters so that it never gets old and boring. A few of the performers are still alive, but sadly, most of them have passed on. If you like creepy, haunted houses and old-fashioned vampires (not the kind from TWILIGHT) then check out DARK SHADOWS whenever you can.