The Golf Club 2019 was nearly a perfect golf game and 2k has ruined it in just about every way. The swing mechanics felt amazing in 2019 with tempo and stick alignment. 2k has now brought us back to the dark ages of golf games using the same old "power bar" that has been in all other golf games/golf apps since the beginning of time. Putting was perfected in 2019 and was based totally on "feel". Scrap that. Now its clunky and inconsistent making it very easy to biff short easy putts. Don't get me started on all the bugs and glitches this game currently has. Sorry to be so harsh but I don't understand the need to change parts of the game that were perfect as they were. I hope they patch this game and make it more similar to 2019 while keeping some of the good changes they made like more back spin on the greens.