Spector and Gibson finally meet. And the slowest scene in the history of film ensues. I'm pretty sure they each zoned out at least once while the other one was saying their lines. And that's exactly what it's like-you say your lines, I keep my face like this, but I'm just waiting for your mouth to stop moving, so I can say my lines. Once I finish my lines, I can go back to thinking about everything I have to get done on my one day off next week, until I see your mouth stop moving again. And this goes on, back and forth, with many, many heavy pauses-which don't seem like pauses as much as someone got lost in thought and failed to see the other mouth stop moving so...now what? Just sit here until one of us says someone's lines. My sister talked me into watching this and I feel like I'm in an unfortunate arranged marriage to someone very old and very slow who needs LOTS of help getting up the stairs all day and all night. I can't believe they got 3 seasons out of it. Must be related to everything being in slow motion, and all the heavy pauses!!! AAARGH!!! So annoyed that I've agreed to watch this whole thing because supposedly, "it gets better." It can't get worse. Nope, just did. Ugh.