Title : The girl in the dream
Author : Pravin Aggarwal
Genre: Fiction
Pages: 295
Format : Paperback
Do you chase your dreams? The girl in the dream holds the romantic story that is portrayed deeply based on the dream of a boy vivaan. The protagonist (vivaan), a scientist from NASA who has a dream,
he wants to decode it with his love Riya. He confronts the things which were in his dreams. The book is romantic and thriller one.
So many philosophical lines are described in this book
We human beings get attached to everything in this world but the truth is that everything in this world is a sand castle to be washed away by the next big wave.
This book show us that if something is destined to happen, no one could stop it. It will take place eve if we are against it.
Definitely one can finish this book in one go. The language of the book is simple and character conversations throughout the book are brief and neat. This book is refreshing read.