Comedy, Romance, and action. This Jam-packed comedy will have you laughing every minute, bawling ever breakup, and filled with suspense every case worked.
Each of the characters has a unique personality. Rosa, the ‘dark’ one, though very caring and sweet. Terry, the gym guy, and great leader. Jake, the goofy and smart guy. Charles, the eccentric cook. Amy, the smart ta organized one. Finally, their precinct leader: (idk y I can’t remember his name explain this to me) a great leader, emotions showing like a rock, yet his competitive side transforming him into a great competitor.
My favorite character is clearly Jake. (And Rosa, she is hot) (well their both hot sooo)
Anyways, the character development is perfect. It really got me into the show, and should get you into the show as well. As the characters go through their highs and lows, the show just gets more interesting. I don’t want to spoil it, but Boyle gets married twice and divorces later (full Boyle.)
Anywho, watch the show it’s the best.