Could have been a great game if their writing structure didn't suck. I get what they were going for, I really do, but it was poorly executed. It could have been so much better if they didn't try to force the point of 'Revenge is a cycle and bad' in the worst way they could have.
Spoilers Below.
It would have been so much better if they didn't force you to play Abby after the fact. They should have gotten us to see her point of view, gotten her connects and cared for her story's characters before she bashed his skull in. It felt empty to go on a murder spree, killing her friends in an attempt to hunt/flush her out. To find out why she was so angry, could have learned it all and had us go after her instead of putting them in flash backs.
the gameplay was great, and the graphics were one of the best I've seen, but the story is lack luster and tries to shock you in the worst way.