Pacific Rim is a war movie set in a near future that resembles in its combination of high technology with cultural and social dilapidation the grim worlds to come in Alien and Blade Runner. The opening narration tells us that for too long we've been looking to the heavens in awed anticipation of visitors or invaders from above when in fact we should have been keeping an eye on gateways to hell that admit unwanted strangers from below. Some seven years earlier creatures known as Kaiju, the size of tower blocks and far less friendly than King Kong, slipped out of Pacific troughs due to shifting tectonic plates and began setting about states bordering the ocean. Nothing new about this of course. The human response, however, was new. Giant robots known as Jaegers were created, each the size of the Statue of Liberty. They're manned by pairs of operators who need to build a neural bridge between their minds so they can work together in a way that the machine can mimic and replicate in battles against the Kaiju