If you read the books, this rendition will be absolutely horrible. The main characters don’t have any of their initial innocence that they had in the books that changes the way you have to look at the characters. Nyneave is essentially gohan(whenever she gets mad she ex machinas the people out of the situations), the stubbornness of the nyneave and egwaine is absent. Elaine isn’t even in the show. All the characters that are added are in the wrong areas. The way the world was built in the books makes sense and they just tear it all up to implement their own ideas even though this is a show that is supposed to be about wheel of time. Rand and Perrin almost have their characteristics in the book. Mat is not even close. Moraine is not calm and collected like she is the in the book. “There’s more to life than our mission” she says this to lan. She’s blue auja and she’s the quintessential blue auja. This makes no sense. Lan isn’t at all like he is in the books. I don’t know where to begin. This was more of a let down than The Hobbit part 2.