It's pretty fun and addicting but logic is completely out of the window on this game. Literally. You can shoot through windows without actually breaking them (being inside a building this means the window doesn't protect you), throw grenades through them also, then there's often tons of areas where you first spawn that there are a large variety of attachments and what not, but no guns, aa well as clear game balance issues. Numerous Guns are super OP and can shred right through high tier armor in a matter of a few hits (which makes it honestly feel like armor doesn't do a whole bunch) and other guns don't do nearly enough damage. Shouldn't take 5+ shots with a shotgun/revolver to kill someone, especially if they don't have a shield.
On the positive side, the unique characters and personas they each have are both humorous and exciting, the ability to play with friends in teams of 3 is super fun and alot of the abilities each character has makes them each so exclusive and effective in their own way. Even though there's work to be done, this is still a solid Battle Royale
I can easily see this game being the subject of alot of rage quits for alot of newcomers due to so much unbalancing.i really enjoy the game but the combat system needs a total revamp