This movie succeeded in where Ready Player One sort of failed, it didn't take itself too seriously. Of course Ryan Reynolds nailed his role, and they used the wacky concept of video games like GTA to their full potential, you can never get tired of seeing what's going on in the background. Story was a little bit predictable, but there's only so much you can do with the video game setup, and I like where they went with it, though things like T-bagging and the Floss really made me cringe (Channing Tatum's character was kinda funny though, to see how stupid and over the top dance emotes can be). I wish we sort of fleshed out the real life characters more, the antagonist was honestly annoying but that was his purpose. Overall, one of the best video game movies out there, it's a pretty neat concept of instead of focusing on the players, what are the NPC's lives like?