This is a great tv show, but obviously there are some pros and cons.
So, the best part about this series is that it very cleverly introduces us to the main characters and even a little foreshadowing and we are immediately invested into the story and you can literally have favourite characters from the first episode itself.
So, the main premise is that this kid named will suddenly disappears and his friends are worried about him and stumble across this girl(eleven) who has just recently escaped from the hawkins labaratory and they suspect that this could be connected to will's sudden disappearance and so these kids embark on an amazing journey to find will and also the adults in this series also try to find will but they're pretty slow compared to the kids.
the crossing of the storylines is done flawlessly which is also very great about this series.
eleven's powers and her relationship with mike is also very well handled and doesn't steal much of the screentime like it should, because this isnt a love story
the main thing that made me fall in love with this series is the very clever ways that the characters in the show come up with.
my problem with the show will be season 2, more specifically how they separated a character, which was imo not very great, while some people liked it.
another HUGE PROBLEM WILL BE S2E7. Now if you've watched the show, why are you even seeing reviews. But the main thing is they show the character that was separated and focus the entire episode on that character and after the episode ends the character is reunited in the next episode, so I may even suggest you to skip this episode because as far as i remember there are no other main characters in that episode so it's literally a waste of time.
So yeah that's all i've got to say for stranger things a pretty exciting show tbh and i would give it the rating of 10/10 if season 2 didnt mess it up, so my final rating will be 8/10 which is still pretty decent and why you should definitely watch this amazing master piece, and if you really want to watch this for nostalgia there are literally a lot of tv shows and movies but really i like it more for the plot and it's totally on you to watch it for nostalgia, I didnt watch it for nostalgia because of two reasons, I'm not american so it doesnt relate to me, and also because i wasnt born in the eighty's but still its a show for all to watch.