I thoroughly enjoyed this show. I found it a joy to watch! The themes of discrimination, trauma, hardship along with unity, diversity and hope I found to be compelling viewing... and I HAD GREAT FUN!!!! Singing / dancing along with ya, girls!!!!
And I wouldn't be surprised if SOMEONE has done their research...
AJ's trauma response to her circumstances, in my humble opinion after 25+ years as a clinical practitioner (social work), I found to be en pointe; huzzah to the actress.
And RuPaul..... you, Lady Sir of Neverending Gorgeousness, are simply and purely DIVINE. Could watch you sparkle and shine all day!
Robert/Ruby's responses to AJ and her behaviours could be seen as a guide for all Foster Carers managing trauma. Boundaries, love, consistently & apologise when ya inevitably stumble! Snappy comebacks for humour!!! Please Sir.... I hope there's MORE!!!!