Really good movie and I enjoyed the movie a lot, I am a huge Starwars fan and know most or nearly all of the lore from the other movies and tv series etc. At my first screening I didn't like the movie as much as I wanted to and felt disappointed, since it was really fast paced i didn't really get to take everything in and appreciate the movie. I watched the movie again multiple times and especially on my second screening and my last screening (5th time lol) the movie was incredible and one of my favorite Starwars movies. Sure there are some plot holes but if you look at the emotion of the movie and the character arcs it fulfills it is really something special. I have always loved the soundtracks of John Williams and this soundtrack for Rise of Skywalker is incredible, Rey's theme and Kylo Rens theme are always touching and very good, where the music is in certain parts of the film is so good, when Rey uses the force various times the force theme plays and other iconic themes such as when Finn lands on the star destroyer and the horses come out the music in that scene was incredible. Palpatine did come back with no explaining which was annoying and it wasn't clear what he actually wanted to do, but as Snoke died and for Kylo Ren's character arc to be as good as it was he needed to be turned to the light side but if he was turned there still had to be a main villian so that he could stand with Rey, Palpatine was really the only choice. Rey's character in my opinion is really good and one of the best, I know a lot of people hate her for being the female lead with so much power but in this movie it really shows how far she has come. With her being so powerful she did actually get beaten by Kylo Ren until he is stopped by Leia. The concept of Rey being a dyad with Ben is really such a good concept and one that makes sense as the two love each other and two lovers that are also really strong with the force hasn't been seen in ages. Rey has always wanted that sense of belonging, most people in society are like her looking for their place in the world. In the end of TROS she finally has a sense of belonging when she calls herself Rey Skywalker, she finally found her place and feels now where she truly belongs,that bit of her stealing the Skywalker name is kinda weird and doesn't feel right as she isn't a Skywalker but i can see why they made her say that, she could have said Palpatine as Leia did say to not be afraid of who she is. Throughout the move there is so many emotional scenes where everything is perfect such as when Rey, Finn and Poe have one last hug sending off the incredible saga and when Rey connects with Ben Solo and gives him Anakin's lightsaber. One of the main reasons I was disappointed with the film at the start is that by brigning back the Emperor means that Anakin's redemption is discarded. I couldn't get over this fact as Return Of The Jedi is one of my favourite movies of all time with ROTS. But when Anakin talks to Rey he says "bring back the balance as I once did" this means that Anakin did in fact fulfill his prophecy of bringing balance but Rey has to do it again So many moments which in my op onion personally connected to me like no other movie has. It really immersed me and watching it was one of the best experiences. Most people say that the sequel trilogy was a train wreck which I used to think this as well but without Disney we wouldn't have the hype and enjoyment of watching Starwars in cinemas again and having the soundtracks return.