I loved this movie and I am truly a dog lover. Especially small dogs but grown. I had a Pomeranian and had to give him up when my dad passed in 2016 because he would watch him while I worked and they loved each other so much! He was my hero and so was Zhock. This was my dogs name and by the way I adopted him and plan to adopt again. I am hoping to find a grown male teacup this time. I know my Zhock is happy with another family now. I've had other dogs growing up but there was something so special about him. He had 3 legs but ran like he had 4 :>) he let nothing stop him and he was fully house broken. He was the best pet ever. I will sometime this year adopt another dog that deserves a loving home. I hate when people mistreat pets and hate to see them get put down. I loved this movie from start to finish! I wish them well in their en devour! People like this are a joy to have on the earth. To bad there are not more like them. Everyone should have a home and someone to love. Regardless of race, religion, or sexual orientation!!!!
I truly miss my Dad and my dog whom I both lost. Two special hero's!
P.S. If I had the funds I would definitely donate!!!