10/10. This is THE greatest movie of all time. The animation is so fluid and realistic, and the story is so relatable and heartwarming. We have the main character, Oscar the Sharkslayer, who is a bottomfeeder lowlife fish who works at a whale wash. He owes his boss, Sykes (puff daddy), money and when he gets it he bets it all and loses. Sykes' henchmen zap him and torture him (Oscar) until a shark comes by and is accidentally killed by an anchor. The henchmen see the dead body and mistake Oscar the Sharkslayer as the killer (he is not a real sharkslayer). Oscar makes his way up to the top of the reef, but is conflicted with romance and lies. I will not spoil any more for you, let me just say if you are a fan of good movies, you NEED to watch this. This is THE movie. No other movie is like it.