Just a whole bunch of unnecessary flipping, delayed impact responses, over acting, cheap costumes etc. On top of that, Rayden and Sonja were not the same people in the first movie which sucked. All the slow motion walking got on my everlasting NERVE. Also the fate of the world ALWAYS depends on Liu. WHY??!!! Jax couldn't fight worth a dam in the movie but Sonja was kicking straight ass! How SWAY? HOWWWWWWW??!!!!.I thought the Power Rangers were going to come out at one point and help the fighters defeat Kahn. BUT... There was a positive in the movie, Kitana's ponytail. That mfk stayed in place throughout the entire movie! Not a frizz in sight and not an edge out of place! I paid 2.99 to watch the movie! I should've paid for it with a pack of ramen noodles!!