Honest.. forthright and vivid.. this Toby Green masterpiece chronicles the 19 months of knee jerk emergency response to a pandemic caused by the same knee jerk attitude that exacerbated a public crisis ignited through secrecy and deception as the US funded 'gain of function' research into virus manipulation to construct a weapon which has now killed millions - Green traces the Larry Moe and Curly methodology as an uninformed President Biden repeatedly deferred to Fauci's confused and dangerous attempts to simply clear himself of the disastrous manipulation that has been unleashed on the world. The Stooge-like crisis management again revealed a sort of stubborn ignorance as lockdown measures were enforced leaving victims without fresh air as they breathed and rebreathed the contaminated atmosphere behind closed doors while Big pharma relished in the opportunity to fleece billions of dollars.. to call this a cluster buck is to minimize the blatant disregard for life that incompetent 'leaders' have left as legacy.. a must read