Absolutely terrible, lead characters for Maggy and Refaat failed to deliver the real characters.
A- Ahmed Amin failed to study the character which is very disappointing, Refaaat Ismael is a comedy-cynical fast-based genius, Ahmed Amin is slow, depressed, overacting that totally ruined the real character. Also Refaat is thinner with sharp eyes not stray eyes. The way Ahmed Amin smoked cigs is overacting and should’ve had Refaat’s style/touch. The way he walked is like 70 y/o
B- Maggy’s accent is fake, the wig is terrible, Arabic accent is fake, I guess all the director wanted is to make her charming as possible.
C- the monsters were terrible especially The last episode and the fighting scene in the maze was awful and very childish/amateur.
D- the good part was only the kids, his fam, and the scenes.
Overall such a disappointment for such a great Fictional Series.