As i watched season 1, i really really enjoyed it. It is starting to become my top favorite show and im so excited to see season 2 on netflix. Dynasty is a great action, comedy, romantic film. You dive into a rich family and get to watch as they reveal secrets and burn anything down that will destroy their name. Money is obviously not and issue for them. The filmaker did an incredible job putting this together. One of my favorite cinematic elements as when one person will talk, it is only focused on them and the camera is angeled at the crowds eye or the person who is engaged in the coversation. Another is when there is either some big or intense moment, there are alot of fast cuts, almost like a montage. Some of the montage would be when they buy/ set up a party. The beginning is always great and will most definitely catch the audience attention. In the end, it has that hollywood effect and it is great way to end and get the audience to watch more.