Well, I enjoyed the movie. It was a very sad movie full of stereotypes of a far right extremist. This is the deal. Clearly, this was Hollywood’s version of a white nationalist full of anger and rage. Looking deeper into the film, this film was about an abused boy. His father commits suicide, his mother appeared to be overbearing, verbally abusive, racist, and perverse. The main character is the result of a messed up childhood. He had no purpose and was lost. Living with his mother didn’t help. He was full of anger because he had no meaningful connections and was often rejected. Unfortunately, his anger turned into hatred. You realize this could apply to any race or gender but the director decided to make this a white male issue. There was an enlightening moment in the film where he decided not to kill the store owner or his son. So, there were many takeaways from this film. Clearly there was and agenda and if you couldn’t see the Hollywood agenda, I don’t know what to tell you. The stereotypes were unsettling but all in all I enjoyed the film.