The movie’s storyline is not very impressive. Who would go in to a cave carelessly saying “Oh! It’s huge!” And went straight in without even checking if it’s safe enough to access. The characters are playing dumb. One of them died and one of them said “ I think his neck is broken.” Or some sort and he just said that so casually like he’s saying he loves to eat cereals. The Alien guy came and showed them the current situation up there. The question is, it’s been a long time since they’ve gone missing and why would the people up in the land or should I say up in Mars wanted to rescue them. After that, they were gone fighting for their lives for a long time and the ending is still the same rescuing people from Earth to Mars. The timeline should be more advance considering the time they spent after learning the current events up there. I mean to say, there shouldn’t have anybody left in Earth and the rescue is already done and the Earth should be in a big mess. I mean, I see that they tried. It should have been better.