Call of Duty: Modern Warfare is exactly what you expect it to be. Action scenes followed by military strategy cut scenes.
That's about all the good I can say about this game. Physics are broken beyond belief. You're killed getting shot in the torso faster than headshots. The headshot box makes no sense and it seems like the best way to ensure you get a headshot is to aim at the hands of your opponent. Shotguns that can be accurate from halfway across the map. Constant connection and lag issues. PC players have a HUGE advantage over console gamers. Lastly, constant issues with receiving the xp earned in matches. This is the worst Modern Warfare. It is fun if you can get passed everything that's so horribly wrong with this game. But that's a tall order. If you're going to buy it, wait until its $5. That's about all this p.o.s. is worth. This game really is just another rushed piece of garbage in the Call of Duty line up. Avoid it at all costs.