My past time entertainment use to watch movie all type of movies..from my school days..I was exposed to holly wood movies too much from my boy hood...paper back funnies .cow boys ..espionage movies..super ience fiction ..from flash Gordon to garth..I always was fascinated to watch english movies because of there dedication in creating a movie ..Dedication starts from each & every one making a used to be a art to make a good movie..success was because of individuals effort a sincere one..after late 80s I see movie making is a business mainly too spin money..everyone from producer to a lowest possible tecnician in the unit..both holly wood & Indian movies have lost the real taste & touch of the real movies now days movie are like our these days cricket total fake..just taking innocent people for a ride..
I rate 2.o every thing in that movie is a cheap version of its Hollywood counter parts ..people behind this movie are focussed on one and only thing money..
It's time people should wake up jogg there intelligence & select good things whether its a selecting our leaders.
On the whole 2.o is a very bad immitation of its foreign counter part with a desparate attempt to equal them with the assitance of all holly wood experts..who said its a indian movie..orginal indan movies can really give a run to hollwood counter parts ..
We have real good movie makers & actors ..who can outbeat Hollywood actors..problem with us is we don't have the intelligence & taste for selecting one..