So disappointing - should not have done this trilogy at all rather than this. Episode Six better ending. Lesson is do not mess with another generation's heroes while creating new ones. The whole concept that Luke who stood up to Vadar numerous times to turn him to the light would treat his nephew in fear who many told me is nowhere as scary as Vader (I am divided on that point) but the whole premise is not something Abbrams gets this core idea is so far from the being of Luke makes the whole trilogy a fallacy and takes away from the Rey plot where the ending makes less sense and leaves us with a hollow heroine who does not goes the distance for Ben which ultimately kills him in the end and they saved a hollow material universe and has us doubt the awesomeness of immaterial one and the force that binds all.are held hostage now in both realms at the end - the universe is not free and apparently neither is the immaterial one and given that happened a long time ago now leaves our world without any real knowledge about itself. As bad as I feel for the treatment of Leia, Luke, Hans , Chewie, and all Jedi - the treatment of the force as something that is not part of all and it's use with unbelievable enhancements that those of light use that was frowned upon in past to what it was in the last 3 was the most insulting - really messed up and confused the force concept where it works for some and not others and plays favorites - bad writing plays favorites not the force. Things that happen questions why other things happened in the other 6 episodes - very unsatisfying. Hope this is the last legacy they put in Abbrams hands to destroy for loyal fans in their 50s - don't mess with another generation's heroes to create new ones! And that goes for its universe also.