I am a "cradle Catholic", born and raised in the Church and still devout. The day Pope Francis was elected, and when he took the name Francis, my heart sang out because he choice the name and calling of the Patron of my own Secular Franciscan calling. I have followed him since then and am never without inspiration from reading or hearing his words, and watching his actions. This film, done with great respect and good taste, brought me to tears, bringing that same heartfelt joy back to me and only reconfirming my devotion to my faith and to my Holy Father Francis, who is a true embodiment of both St. Francis of Assisi and Jesus Christ's commitment to help those who cannot help or fight for themselves. Pope Francis emanates so brightly God's love for EVERYONE, EVERYWHERE, EVERY LIFE, and for me is already a living saint. I feel hopeful whenever I remember he is the leader of the Universal Catholic Church, and is the Pope for even non-Catholics because of who he is and how he cares. I will read and watch ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING I can get my hands on about the Pope, and his Encyclicals are some of the most awesome and true documents I have ever had the pleasure of reading. The makers of this film, the UCLA Film Department, have done a Blessed and Spirit-annointed job capturing Pope Francis not just in the good ways, but also in the bad, because they knew he is not afraid to be human like everyone else who makes mistakes. He owns who he is, and will always be a hero in my eyes and the eyes of all Franciscans and Secular Franciscans around the world! This is a must-see for all Catholics, Franciscans, Seculars, clergy, human rights organizations, and I could go on and on. It was the main reason I got a subscription to Discovery+ so I could watch it over and over.
In Christ's love,
Pace e Bene a Tutti!