The show should stick to religion and sharing lessons of faith, and STOP participating in partisan politics. Pat Robertson and some of his guests are typical of the hypocrisy of many who profess a belief in Jesus Christ and His teachings but speak and act in a very non Jesus like way. There is NOWHERE in the Bible where Jesus calls anyone names, denigrates them, rejects them or does anything other than to love and embrace ALL. It is exactly this kind of behavior why I abstain from "organized religion". I certainly realize that not all clergy or followers act in this way but significantly enough do that I will not participate in the hypocrisy. I will instead simply try to acknowledge, respect, appreciate and pay homage to my Creator by caring for and doing no harm His gift of our planet Earth and all that dwells and exists therein, and by treating others as I also wish to be treated - with kindness and compassion, empathy and understanding, lifting up those who are downtrodden, or as Jesus said, with love.