First you twist age old hindu beliefs to make them look bad then you show yourself as some kind or social reformers to earn brownie points from the wokes. Bollywood has always worked to poison the minds of our youth against their own great hindu culture while teaching them to look upto all other societies as the pinnacle of civilised behavior. That's the reason why we find so many indians will constantly berate their own country, culture and families while praising the west and the arab world. On the other hand, you see other societies shamelessly covering up their horrifying histories and projecting shiny images of their own civilised behavior and even moralizing and lecturing us. Indian panchayat systems solve major issues way more fairly and fast and to the satisfaction of social norms acceptable of the societies they serve. There may be exceptions that prove the rule. But they understand the problems of the grassroots people and solve them way better on the whole as compared to the courts.