In regards to The Wheel of Time, and as someone who teaches the Odyssey, the Divine Comedy, Shakespeare etc, I have my snobby reservations about the books; so I’m a true contrarian reviewer here: I never thought the books were especially good reading. But I like fantasy and the books were good enough to keep me enthralled —up to about book seven when the long drawn out discussion among our cast of characters began to get dreadfully repetitive. I just couldn’t bring myself to do anything more than scan book nine. Then I stopped reading-really didn’t care anymore about the dark lord.
That said, of course, I like the swift pace of the tv series. Crisp, action packed, great pacing. Superb action scenes that masks the common fantasy plot line of all Tolkien descendants etc.
But based on other movies and tv series, the WOT is a feast. What a pleasure to visualize with good music a fantasy masterwork.
I find The detractors’ comments rather perplexing. Perhaps couldn’t put their snobbery aside, perhaps, or they watched the show while experiencing some gastric disturbance.