Arrival is nothing short of exceptional. Beautifully directed by Denis Villeneuve, it has a fresh and unique perspective on an oft-used film theme: extraterrestrials invading/arriving on Earth. Unlike the Independence Day movies, or the Alien franchise, or even M. Night Shyamalan's Signs, Arrival does not have malevolent, grotesque creatures rampaging the planet, eating people and burning cities. In fact, there is no action whatsoever. The contact with the aliens is more artistic, and intellectual. The only reason there is any interaction between aliens and humans is because the humans initiated contact first, not the other (more usual) way around, where the aliens suddenly attack unsuspecting humans.
Arrival is very thoughtful provoking, and left me thinking about it for a few days. There are some deep psychological aspects and twists that make for an atypical "alien" film, yet highly enjoyable, if you enjoy slow-paced, dialogue driven films with a meaning deeper than just what's going on. Arrival is one of Villeneuve's finest works, possibly second only to Dune.