I wanted to like this movie when I was at the theater. I really didn't like The Last Jedi, and I thought this movie was going to be worse. Maybe some people will disagree, but I think this movie is much worse.
This movie spent about 3 quarters of it's time on some sith wayfinders that didn't even have any purpose by the end, and that was a waste of time. This movie also consisted of a bunch of trying to retcon The Last Jedi. It's like the writers thought, "hey, people didn't like The Last Jedi, so if we spend the entire movie to retcon it, it'll be a good movie!" And that's not the case. There's Luke suddenly being completely open to the jedi, Rose actually being in the movie for about one scene, Rey actually having an important lineage, and more.
I'd also like to talk about Rey's lineage. The Last Jedi tried to show that Rey didn't have a special lineage. That could've been cool, but the writers of this movie couldn't do anything different from the others, so now she's Palpatine's granddaughter. That just doesn't make much sense. And if they were going to make her lineage important, then they could've done something cool with it. By the end, Rey gets asked what her lineage is, and says "Skywalker." What message are they trying to send here? Wouldn't it be a nice message to say, "hey, if you're family name has a bad reputation, then you can make your family name good and change people's opinions on it, giving your family a good reputation." But no, Palpatine is bad name, good person can't have bad name.
Then there are the star destroyers at the end. How did Palpatine make so many with so much power with so many people? And why are they all relying on a single tower? How did the rebels get so many ships for the climax?
Then there's the lazy emotional moments with Chewie and again with C3-P0 that didn't actually matter. Then there was Finn and his arc about stormtroopers being conscripted and innocent, and that went nowhere. Also Palpatine was really bad in this movie. Not bad as in a maniacal villain, but as in badly written. Also a lot of scenes were really poorly made and didn't make sense.
It honestly makes me feel sad to see so many people giving good reviews to this movie. Are nice visuals and nostalgia all Star Wars fans want now?