I've seen numerous articles about this movie upon the first two months as all being pretty much negative. However as people begin to re-watch the film, even only for the second time, they realize how magnificent it actually is.
I sadly didn't get to experience the film in a movie theater but reviews about the Blu-Ray and 4K editions of the film have been so positive I couldn't help but buy a copy off Amazon. Even though I already own it on Google Movies!
The movie is honestly perfect for all ages too. There's just enough action for parents while remaining somewhat if not harmless for children.
The world is and plot is beautifully crafted and keeps you encompassed, all the while it's having you asking questions that have you begging for a sequel.
This is honestly one of the best movies I've seen in a very long time. I hope Disney decides to see the potential behind Alita: Battle Angel and decides to finish the Trilogy Cameron has planned.
Dua Lipa's Swan Song playing for the end credits is also extremely fitting as well. It adds a nice heavy and energetic tempo that contributes to her calm yet powerful vocals!
10/10 From me