This was short only 6 episodes. Having watched Alone USA for years and recently Alone Australia, which I loved, this version really fell short. Contestants were dropped into the wilds of Canada, and bears were a big concern. Most of the contestants had very little survival abilities. The warning in the beginning credits that contestants are trained in survival skills made me laugh. The 19 year old guy said something about liking the outdoors, but never was in it for more than a couple of hours at a time. One lady had trouble making her shelter, and was complaining that she couldn’t remember the instructions she read on how to build one. Only a few had fishing, hunting, or trapping skills. The contestants were mostly newbies, no wilderness experts. But maybe the show wanted that. Much less expensive to produce if they all drop out fairly quick and don’t last 50-60 days like other versions. I will give credit to the final four who stuck it out and kept their heads, even with their non expert abilities.