As a kid, Candace was always perceived as a villain. You always rooted for her brothers to get away with whatever zany invention they were building and never stopped to think about Candace. This movie gives Candace the much needed spotlight. While not perfect or as elegantly structured as it’s predecessor, it’s still a wildly entertaining film, and some of the gags are all-time greats (the one where the alien tries repeatedly to run away is fantastic, as is the lightspeed meta-gag). The idea to elevate arguably Doofenshmirtz’s stupidest invention, the Chicken-Replace-Intor, to a major plot point was a stroke of genius. The only thing it’s missing is Ducky Momo. Oh, and I’m surprised they didn’t include Meap, considering the alien-oriented nature of the film. Overall, a great 4/5 stars.