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best album by tayylor jk they alllllll are incredible. i personally love t.s., fearless, speak now, red, 1989, rep, lover, folklore, and evermore but those are just my preferences anways love u tay. i hope speak now is next
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brilliant never loved anything more than taylor swift the queen of songwriting and pop. ily forever tay
All Too Well: The Short Film
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i just feel bad that bella gets hate all the time so sure i loved it
Time Is Up
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yesssssssssssssss omg taylor did it again making an album the whole world love seems to be a common thing for ms. taylor. i'll lve you forever
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i feel like everyone is giving it abad review because its that girl from twilight but god if the accent were just a little better, best actress grammy winner right there. shocking performance from bella swan
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litterally so incredibly good. i can't believe that they really put all the sppider mans together. mind boggling.