I love this show from series 1 - 5
Loads of amazing storylines and strong characters. This show had sad moments including subjects such as bullying, disease and illnesses, deportation, identity crisis, teacher hardships and deaths. The show also adds heart warming moments such as weddings, giving birth, couples getting back together, character development, funny moments and celebrations.
Favourite characters are: Tom Clarkson, Grantley, Steph, Kim, Michaela, Bolton, Chlo, Donte, Sambuca, Denzel, Finn, Janeece and of course Rachel Mason!
Strong character development and can’t help but love them and be heartbroken when they get killed off or left the show.
I stopped watching the show after the first half of series 7 has finished.
Second half of the show of series 7 really drowned afterwards with weak characters, recycled weak storylines and unforgivingly killing off my favourite characters!
Even if they brought back my favourite characters to series 11 - 12 started off nostalgic and promising but again quite weak writing and development.