I loved this movie, but it was more of a dark comedy and It knows it. It mostly paces between comedy and horror, at times I’m thinking okay you jumped from comedy to horror too fast. I noticed the ones that had a more serious tone had better acting, like the Emmett Till and Golly one. Although the Golly one had more of a dark comedy vibe, it was teaching a serious lesson, and the actors did a good job of making me hating their characters. The leftover stories were more for entertainment. The others get a bit too ridiculous at times but when they aren’t, it works for me. Another problem, when the characters get sleezy, THEY GET SLEEEZZZY. I really loved the gore in this movie, especially the whip death. Like I said, this movie mostly focuses on pitch black comedy, but when it gets serious, it does a great job. I will say that I do prefer the original of course. I would say this is rewatchable, but not too soon in between watches.